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WG 2: Topics to discuss |
Chair: G. Hoffstaetter, S. Smith |
1.) |
Is there an optimal bunch compression scheme for ERL light sources and how can bunch flattening schemes in longitudinal phase space be realized within such ERLs? |
2.) |
How can space charge and other emittance diluting effects be compensated in an ERL, especially in the injector and merger? |
3.) |
What needs to be remembered when designing a ring that should later be upgraded to an ERL? |
4.) |
What are diagnostic needs for light source ERLs? |
5.) |
What should front to end simulations for light source ERLs be sure to include? |
6.) |
What are good beam stabilization strategies and there limits for light source ERLs? |
7.) |
What are realistic beam abort strategies and beam loss tolerances for light source ERLs? |
8.) |
What are needs for vacuum and apertures in light source ERLs? |
9.) |
What are advantages and limits of multi turn ERLs? |
10.) |
What are the optimal parameters for superconducting cavities of an ERL light source? |
11.) |
At what loaded Q can an ERL be stabilized? |
12.) |
How should undulators for an ERL light source differ from those for ring sources? |
13.) |
What are critical issues that are common to all ERL projects? |
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